What I have learned from consuming 6 YEARS of Self-Improvement content

Lakshya Garg
2 min readMay 17, 2020

Getting straight to the point

1. Do the same thing everyday

Specialisation. Pick your field of study carefully. And build and develop upon them until you are an expert in it.

My focuses.

  1. Running my Business (Primary)
  2. Learning a new language(Secondary)
  3. Teaching myself Calisthenics (Secondary)

Changing your fields of interest everyone month or even every 6 months will amount to nothing in the long run

2. Learn how to Learn

Mormon Church’s learning method is the most efficient learning method I have encountered so far. Go Google it.

I am applying this method in learning a new language. Within 10 days, I have already covered 10% of the language’s vocabulary, I easily understand sentence structures, and have a good grasp of the grammar. While would have taken me more than 6 months if I had started attending a language learning academy.

Apply the second point in the first point to build and learn everyday.

Now if you want, you can consume more of this self improvement stuff and procrastinate on working on the points I have stated above,


Follow my advice.

Set your goals, look for the skills and information you need to accomplish those goals, look for resources and courses that can help you gain in skills while following the Mormon learning method, do first hand research, become sound in the topic, and while doing all this practice it everyday. You wont regret it.

Thats all Folks. Good luck.

